Hey LushiousAddicts! xx

Hey Guys!
You have most probably come over from my YouTube Channel, LushAddict69, if not I am interested in everything beauty related! Hair, nails, makeup, salons, fake tan, extentions, perfume, jewelry! Lots of things, but on this blog you will delve more into my personal life and all things about me, as well as new uploaded videos and my inspirations!
Love you all,
Emily xxx LushAddict69

Monday, 24 October 2011

Look Out!

Hey Guys!
I will be uploading to my YouTube channel a new video in a minute before I go to the salon to have my nails done. Then when I get back I'll be doing a vlog on my channel about my nails and also a follow me around vlog in that video of me going down to the salon, so look out!
Question... Do you think I should make a vlog YouTube channel or stick to LushAddict69 as my vlog and beauty channel?
Emily xxx


  1. You should probably keep the vlog and beauty channel separate. I wouldn't mind you doing vlogs and beauty on the same channel but others might mind it.

  2. Thanks for your suggestion! What should I call my vlog channel? Who is this by the way cos you don't have any blog posts or I just can't see them!?
    Emily xxx
